Disgusting Duo
"Of course every candidate says he's for reform and against graft. Fortunately, in Illinois, we've got a good way to tell if it is true: Only trust candidates that disavow the bipartisan political establishment that runs this state: The Republican and Democratic "leadership," big business, big labor, big lawyers, big doctors and the rest of 'the bigs.'
That rules out Republican gubernatorial candidate Judy Baar Topinka. Shamelessly, she sought the endorsement and money of "the bigs" as a condition of running. That included genuflecting to Republican political wonders in Washington -- the Karl Roves and also the reform-challenged Robert Kjellanders who engineered the 2004 GOP wreck in Illinois."
The Disgusting Duo of Kjellander and Topinka attracted our notice back in 2002 when they combined to push out the reform-minded Republican State Chairman, Gary MacDougal. That vicious ejection brought “KJ” out from hiding in the “lobster” lobbyist underground of bi-partisan influence peddling. The extensive lying about Gary and the intriguing of GOP insiders revealed that the “bi-partisan culture of sleaze” in the GOP was assembling to crush conservatives- those who still thought Republicans stood for decency and efficient representative government.
Too Many GOP politicians have refused to publicly oppose these influence peddlers because they depend on their illicit support in their grubby election campaigns. Kjellanders, Topinka, and their shadow supporters have stunted the growth of leadership in the GOP. Keep in mind that “honor among thieves” is based on mutual vulnerability to exposure.
In a few weeks, Illinois voters will have a chance to go to the polls. For governor, neither Blago nor Topinka deserves to win. They are both members in good standing of that “bi-partisan political establishment that runs this state.”